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Fascist leaders portray themselves as the father of the nation, casting all threats to patriarchal manhood and the traditional family as attacks against which the fascist authority must defend the nation. Accordingly, fascist propaganda characterizes race mixing as a corruption of the nation purity. LGBTQ+ individuals are also cast as particular threats.
Irrational conspiracy theories that depict Jews intentionally plotting for Black men to rape White women as a means of undermining racial purity are prominent in the thinking of Adolf Hitler, the Ku Klux Klan, and others. Myths of Black rapists are frequently conjured to justify racist violence in the United States. Although many Americans assume that rape perpetrated by African Americans was the main rationale for lynching, research in the late 19th century shows that the majority of victims were never even accused of rape.
In Myanmar, the rape and murder of a Buddhist woman by Muslim Rohingya men set off a genocidal campaign against the Rohingya people throughout the country. Similar paranoia has sparked among Hindus in India about minority Muslim populations. In the United States, rape accusations against Syrian refugees spurred a wave of hostility, although there is little evidence that any attack of this type ever occurred. Russian propaganda outlets also use false rape stories to spur panic.
Stanley suggests that the sexual anxiety embodied in these rape myths reflects something more tangible beneath the surface. In economic downturns, patriarchal males feel insecure because they are no longer expected to be the sole provider for their family. Fascist politics obscures the cause of the anxiety, distorting the threat into a supposed attack by outgroups intent on destroying the in-group’s traditions and families.
Another perceived threat to patriarchal masculinity arises from the very existence of transwomen because fascist ideology cannot conceive of why anyone would choose to be female rather than male. Fascist politicians use political attacks on trans women to center attention on their own masculinity and to advance additional fascist concepts.
Stanley argues that playing on sexual anxiety allows fascist politicians to attack freedom and equity indirectly, thus advancing their agenda covertly. Matters such as gender identity and sexual preference are expressions of freedom, as is a woman’s right to have an abortion and a person’s right to marry a chosen partner. By representing these choices as threats, fascism undermines the liberal ideal of freedom.
In the Old Testament, God singled out the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to be destroyed for their residents’ sins. In the Christian imagination, if not the text itself, these sins are widely regarded to be sexual. They represent what the fascist ideology most fully resents.
Chapter 9 begins by recounting the first chapters of Hitler’s Mein Kampf, in which he leaves an idyllic home in the countryside to struggle in Vienna. Calling the city a snake dominated by Jews, Hitler expresses his hatred for the racial and cultural mixing in Vienna and for the city’s lack of German national pride. This recalled, to some extent, a Romantic tradition in German literature that casts the cities as the cause of social ills and idealizes the countryside. Thus, the pure German values prized by Nazis were conceived as rural values.
Fascist politics vilifies the cultural products of the cities as well, viewing them as a corrupting culture and generally attributing them to Jews and immigrants. Rural life is cast as purifying and the source of the nation’s values.
In the United States, there is a sharp distinction between urban and rural residents with regard to immigrants. Rural residents view them as a burden and threat far more than urbanites. In France, support for the far right is much higher in the countryside than in Paris.
Fascist politicians exploit the perceived harms that urban centers cause rural areas, especially during periods of globalization. In particular, they frequently support the myth that lazy urbanites function as parasites on the hardworking rural residents. That cities frequently provide the economic engines undergirding the possibility of a rural life is irrelevant to such politicians. They do not need the urban vote, in many cases. This dynamic was apparent in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, when Trump regularly miscast cities as sites of unprecedented danger and crime despite historically low crime rates and strong urban revival.
Urban centers tend to exhibit more pluralism and greater tolerance than rural areas. Fascist ideology despises these values.
In contrast to the supposed parasites of urban areas, fascists like Hitler have long characterized rural areas as imbuing an ethos of self-sufficiency and strength.
Fascist ideology attacks the state and particularly eschews welfare systems. It seeks to replace the state with a nation of self-sufficient and pure individuals seeking glory.
To promote that vision, fascism encourages large families among the dominant group. As illustrated in a 1927 speech by Benito Mussolini, cities are seen as ultimately lowering birthrates of the dominant group and culminating in a population of sterile and elderly degenerates.
The supposed parasitism of urbanites is said to be fed by the state, unlike the rural area where self-sufficient members of the dominate group supposedly form the backbone of the nation.
The reaction of many Americans, including President Trump, to two 2017 hurricanes—one of which hit Houston, Texas, while the other hit Puerto Rico—was extremely different. One resident of Houston who received significant federal aid after the disaster said it was not the job of the United States to provide similar aid for Puerto Ricans, who are also American citizens.
Fascist ideology posits that state aid should be reserved for the chosen nation’s people in times of need. The reason is invariably because the others are “lazy,” a problem to be cured through hard labor.
The title of the chapter—“Arbeit Macht Frei”—is the phrase hung above the gates of Nazi concentration camps Auschwitz and Buchenwald. It means, “Work shall make you free.”
Nazis portrayed Jews as lazy and the state as their vessel. Hitler sought to dismantle the state and disdained “welfare” programs as robbing individuals of economic independence.
In the United States, the attitude of White Americans to “welfare” programs is best predicted by their support for the judgment that Black Americans are lazy. It plays a larger role than even their own economic self-interest.
Stanley notes, however, that many White Americans have inaccurate beliefs about who “the poor” are. The majority of beneficiaries of welfare programs are, in fact, White.
Hard work versus lazy, lawful versus criminal, and other such distinctions in fascist ideology are representative of the fundamental us versus them division at the core of fascism. However, they do not remain merely rhetorical when fascists take power. Instead, the goal of the fascist program is to make these divisions become reality, as Arendt noted.
In summarizing concepts put forward by Arendt, Stanley maintains that “fascist unreality is a promissory note” in that fascist policy seeks to create the reality reflective of its hateful stereotyping myths (161). Thus, Stanley explains, fascist governments often create conditions that seem to legitimize the coming genocidal policies aimed at a portion of the population.
In the Slovak state created after the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia, the leaders expropriated Jewish property and thereby displaced them from the middle class. Then, they addressed an artificial “Jewish question” of what to do with the impoverished people. Soon, those Jews were deported to Auschwitz.
Similarly, the 2017 ethnic cleansing of Rohingya in Myanmar was rooted in a travel prohibition that prevented them from working. Combined with constant harassment, this left Rohingya in conditions that were said to legitimate brutality against them.
In the United States, a similar effect of making stereotypes appear real is underway, according to Stanley. The likelihood of being incarcerated is one in three for Black males, but one in 17 for White males. Further, both being Black and having been incarcerated reduce one’s chances of employment despite qualifications. Thus, Black Americans have a far lower chance of employment due to both direct racism and the systemic racism that imprisons them at unjustifiably high rates. The stereotype of Black Americans as lazy, then, can appear to be justified by low employment when one ignores its causes. Fascist politicians then call for “curing” the problem by ending welfare programs. Although Stanley argues that eliminating such benefits will not cause the supposed improvements, such proposals currently animate the Republican party.
Labor unions can stand in the way of the fascist agenda if they unite Black and White Americans along class lines against the wealthy. To counteract this, as Hitler illustrated, fascist politicians universally attack labor unions.
Another reason that fascists attack unions is that fascist politics are most successful where economic inequality is stark. Labor unions provide the best means of addressing such inequality, according to social science research.
Fascists embrace a social Darwinist concept of the world in which life is a competition for power. They measure worth by productivity, so when they portray an out-group as lazy, they effectively argue that such people are inherently worth less.
It is this piece of the fascist ideology, Stanley writes, that was expressed by the Nazi policy toward the disabled. That policy began with mandatory sterilization of the disabled in 1933, progressed to secret gassings, and required physicians to kill the disabled by 1939.
This social Darwinism at the heart of fascism explains its views on laziness, as well as its hierarchical ordering of the worth of groups. Stanley suggests that contemporary economic libertarianism, which conceives of freedom as unconstrained free markets, is “the Manhattan dinner party face of social Darwinism” (178). So while economic libertarianism is contrary to fascist group identification, it nonetheless shares a common measure of worth and vision of life as competition. Both, for example, draw distinctions between “makers” and “takers” in the social system.
The key for liberal visions of political equality to flourish, Stanley concludes, may be the absence of stark economic inequality. Liberal ideology offers many benefits, but they require broad experiences and a high degree of education. Stark economic inequality can make liberal democratic norms all but impossible to achieve.
Stanley explains that the features of fascist politics surveyed in the book work together to create the fundamental us-versus-them myth that sustains it, despite conflicting with reality. He also defends his argument against potential concerns that the contemporary examples he cites are not appropriately juxtaposed with Nazis and the like. He maintains that “the threat of the normalization of the fascist myth is real” (187). This is important, Stanley continues, because those who have lived through the transition from democracy to fascism report “the tendency of populations to normalize the once unthinkable” (188).
At the same time, the word “fascist” has come to seem extreme. However, this would be expected as fascist politics gains ground because normalization of its ideology would make the label seem like overreaction. That is what normalization means—the transformation becomes difficult to detect because the ideology comes to seem normal, as if things had always been this way.
For that reason, Stanley argues for a specific definition and understanding of fascism. With those tools, one can assess recent political developments objectively, rather than relying on an untrustworthy sense of normality. The book is intended “to spell out [fascism’s] structure so that it can be recognized and resisted” (192).
Finally, Stanley makes explicit a theme of the book that remained under the surface throughout: although there obvious direct targets of fascism—various out-groups, labor unions, etc.—the “chief target of fascist politics is its intended audience” (193). Fascism targets them for mass delusion, while others are cast off into camps. By resisting the charms of fascism, however, democratic societies remain free without the false overlay that fascism demands of all who become subject to its control.
The final three chapters of the book analyze some of the more intensely vitriolic aspects of the fascist worldview, explaining how sexualization of insecurity, disdain for urban centers, and the charge that outgroups are “lazy” underlie aspects of fascism’s particular brutality. The Epilogue provides an effective synthesis of the book’s core concepts and explains their relevance in the current context while extolling the value of resisting fascism’s pull.
Stanley’s discussion of sexual anxiety as a means of focusing and fomenting insecurity into anger toward is, at once, bizarre and intuitively familiar. The abstract discussion of how these concepts reinforce patriarchal family structures and transform economic insecurities into hostility gives voice to phenomena that many readers will not have frequently encountered. Yet attacks on minority groups on the pretext of supposed actual or desired rape of the dominant group’s women is all too familiar to anyone with a background in history or related social sciences. Identifying this sexual anxiety as a tool of fascism connects various strands of the transformation fascists seek in society. By aiming to “protect” a traditional patriarchal system, fascism creates a nostalgic justification for brutality against those who adopt nontraditional roles through sexual preference, marriage choice, or gender identification. In economically insecure times, this aggression provides a source of power to leaders who direct members of the chosen group toward relatively helpless targets while leaving true causes of insecurity unaddressed.
The traditionalism called upon to sexualize the insecurities of the people emerges in fascist depictions of the countryside. The mythic past is necessarily an agrarian vision, and the rural people of the present tend to have less experience with out-groups and therefore fear them more. Further, economic transition toward globalization tends to hit rural communities hardest, often forcing dislocation and economic insecurity. The urban centers offer a convenient scapegoat, a place where the supposed purity of the mythic nation is polluted. The absurd claims of Mussolini and others that the cities are destroying the purity of the true nation relates directly to the fascist politician’s embrace of the patriarchal family model and sets up the vision of hard work as distinguishing the chosen people.
A fascist worldview sees life as a continual competitive struggle in which one’s dominant group faces invasion from inferior but insidious enemies. The worth of the group is tied to its ability to prevail in this mythic struggle, which depends on its hard work and loyalty to tradition. The cities, and the mix of peoples who inhabit them, are viewed scornfully for their tolerance of nontraditional choices and for a supposed inherently parasitic relationship to the nation. This latter concept is generally an inversion of reality—as Stanley puts it, an “unreality”—that depends on the power of the leaders who espouse it. The individual self-sufficiency ideal of fascist ideology teaches that hard labor will improve character, thus justifying extreme cruelty toward inferior groups who, through fascist policies, are increasingly damaged and desperate. Dominant groups may have no empathy and believe that even the extremes of concentration camps and forced labor are “deserved” by such groups, while their own corruption is merely a rightful reclamation of their superior position.
As Stanley notes in the Epilogue, fascist politics are inherently unsustainable. Yet they remain a threat because they carry a strong allure for many people in times of socioeconomic change and insecurity. The pull may even seem irresistible to members of traditionally dominant groups facing extreme economic inequality coupled with changing racial and gender norms.
The allure of fascism lies in its simple and clear answers to complex problems. This is apparent in its nostalgia for an imaginary past when the society was “pure” in its simple, homogeneous composition—or, perhaps, when social roles were clearly defined. For traditionally privileged groups facing new social or economic insecurity, fascist politics promise immediate relief through a clear and seemingly sincere hierarchical structure that prizes action over analysis, and slogans over reason.
If one accepts Stanley’s thesis that Donald Trump’s politics are rooted in fascist ideology, it should not be particularly surprising that he was elected president in 2016. The United States just had its first African American president, and Hillary Clinton was running to be the first female president. Stanley’s analysis may explain why conspiracy theories such as “Pizzagate” became significant and why Trump’s almost tangible disrespect for liberal democratic norms energized many rural white voters.
Yet Stanley’s work offers a serious caution to fascism’s chosen audience that does not rest solely on liberal democratic ideals or empathy for out-groups. He shows why fascism has consistently failed in every iteration across history. The embrace of fascist politics causes only damage over time because, after the initial benefits from the chosen group are extracted by brutalizing fellow citizens, fascism leaves a damaged social system with an economic system constructed on false hierarchies, greed, and unaccountable leaders skimming off the top. The safety net is removed, and the ability to participate in government destroyed. Even the foundational importance of education and culture are sacrificed to a mythical ideal based on a past that never existed and loyalty to a leader who plainly lies for personal gain.
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