
67 pages 2 hours read

Strangers from a Different Shore

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 1989

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Part 2Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2, Chapter 3 Summary: “Gam Saan Haak: The Chinese in Nineteenth-Century America”

Takaki examines how Asian immigrants came to be viewed as perpetual “strangers” by white Americans. In the mid-19th century there was a sharp increase in immigration from China as Chinese workers responded to the incentives of the California Gold Rush. Some of these newcomers spread across the US into Idaho, New England, and the South. At first Chinese laborers lived and worked in rural areas, but they later opted to live in urban centers.

As the Chinese first arrived in large numbers, they were initially welcomed by those in power, such as state officials in California. These politicians recognized the useful contributions Chinese workers made to California, and even referred to them as potential citizens. However, it did not take long for many working class white Americans to perceive Chinese workers as fierce competition in the labor market, since they would work for less money than white workers, which employers preferred. Chinese workers subsisted on these low wages in part because the families they provided for remained in China, and American dollars were worth more there. Blaming the Chinese workers for taking jobs, many white Americans agitated for their exclusion from the country.

In 1852, under Governor Bigler’s leadership, the California government imposed heavy taxes on Chinese workers, such as the “Foreign Tax on Miners,” among others. This generated a huge sum of money annually for the state—but did little to address the issue of Chinese workers laboring for lower wages than whites. This tax affected many Chinese workers in California at the time, since two thirds of them were miners. Chinese miners tended to work independently, owning their own place claims and living together in cramped cottages.

By the late 19th century, Chinese workers were increasingly employed as wage earners by white employers in a variety of industries. Since Chinese workers would labor longer than white Americans for less money, employers were able to maximize their profits and drive down wages. The Central Pacific Railway (CPR), for example, had a workforce of 90% Chinese workers. Chinese workers often toiled in dangerous conditions; railway workers chiseled through mountain ranges to create tunnels and frequently died in accidents and snowstorms. When Chinese workers on the CPR decided to strike, their employer retaliated by refusing to feed them. Starving in their isolated work camps in the countryside, the workers had no choice but to give in and resume work.

When the Gold Rush ended, many Chinese workers moved into urban centers such as San Francisco, where they sought jobs in manufacturing. White employers gave them menial jobs and paid them less than their white counterparts were paid for the same work. Skilled jobs and supervisor jobs were generally reserved for white Americans. Employers did not only value Chinese workers as a way to save money; they also came to realize that many brought valuable knowledge to their jobs. For example, many Chinese workers had agricultural expertise and helped white farmers learn how to establish fruit orchards. Some Chinese people chose to pursue farming tenancies in which they paid to rent land where they could grow crops to eat and sell. This was an easy profit for landowners, who reaped rent money and a share of the food.

Some working-class white Americans directed their frustration at Chinese workers through racist violence. Anti-Chinese riots prompted Chinese workers to be excluded from many industries to placate white workers. Now on the fringes of the labor market, Chinese workers had to take initiative as entrepreneurs to survive. Many started laundry businesses, as there was high demand for this service and it required little initial investment.

Employers in other parts of the US saw Chinese labor as a way to create competition among workers and drive down wages. Plantation owners in the South ordered tens of thousands of Chinese workers, putting Black Americans, who had been newly freed from enslavement, out of work. This tactic allowed plantation owners to reestablish control over Black workers in the Reconstruction era. Meanwhile, in the booming industrial town of North Adams, Massachusetts, unionized white workers went on strike and one employer, Calvin T. Sampson, decided to entirely replace his striking workforce with 75 Chinese laborers. The strikers harassed the Chinese workers as they arrived, and they were escorted to their lodging by police.

Amid this ongoing tension, social commentators and politicians raised questions about the future of Chinese people in the US. Some in power proposed that Chinese workers could continue to labor in the US as a perpetually temporary workforce. Meanwhile, others lobbied for their exclusion altogether, employing racist logic about their ethnic impurity and arguing that Chinese people could not embody American values or culture. Acting on these anxieties, the California state government segregated schools, prohibiting Chinese children from attending, and banned interracial marriage.

Racist depictions of Chinese people were shared in poems, plays, articles, cartoons, and short stories, which blamed them for unemployment among the white working class. This outcry prompted the federal government to pass the Exclusion Act in 1882, which established a 10-year ban on new Chinese laborers coming to the US.

Meanwhile, members of the Chinese community resisted these racist caricatures, scapegoating, and suppression through public letters and legal cases. In the face of restrictive work laws, taxation, low wages and racism, many Chinese laborers lived in fear of violence and struggled to get by. Thousands returned home to China, while others were so bankrupt or indebted they could not afford to do so. Those who stayed established Chinatowns where they could preserve their cultural traditions and build their own economies and social organizations.

Chinese men dramatically outnumbered Chinese women. Chinese women worked in many wage-earning jobs, including as housekeepers, cooks, miners, and seamstresses. Most were engaged in sex work or sex trafficking, usually as a result of a “debt peonage”: Their employer paid for their food and passage to the US, and the women were forced into sex trafficking for a fixed amount of time to pay back the debt. As unpaid and vulnerable workers, these women were “virtual slaves,” and often suffered from sexually transmitted diseases and violence at the hands of their employers or clients (122). Many became addicted to opium or died by suicide.

Beginning in the late 19th century, more Chinese women traveled to the US to join their husbands. However, many Chinese men still faced difficulties in finding a partner. A few developed relationships with white women, but with interracial marriage banned in California and Oregon, there was little hope of establishing a lasting, official relationship. In their leisure time, lonely men gambled, attended the theater, smoked opium, and socialized in the back rooms of stores. They also wrote letters to their families in China and practiced their English with guidebooks.

After living and working in the US for decades, many Chinese men and women did not consider themselves temporary workers anymore, instead longing to have their contributions recognized and live in safety as American citizens, a privilege which was denied to them.

Part 2, Chapter 4 Summary: “Raising Cane: The World of Plantation Hawaii”

In the 1800s, American planters began developing Hawaii as an American “economic colony,” devoting most of their plantations to growing sugar, a valuable cash crop (132). In 1900, the US government made Hawaii an American territory. Seeking cheap labor, plantation owners encouraged the immigration of 300,000 Asian laborers between 1850 and 1920. Over those decades, indigenous Hawaiians became a minority in their homeland as the population became a diverse mix of different Asian ethnicities and white people.

While many Asian workers came from agricultural backgrounds, working on a plantation was very different from laboring on family farms, as plantation supervisors, or “Lunas,” cruelly overworked laborers. Labor “gangs” worked 10-hour shifts every day and lived in meager accommodations. On most plantations, single male workers shared huge barracks-style dwellings that were dirty and overcrowded. Some workers tried to improve their housing and added personal touches such as bonsai trees, gardens, or vegetable plots.

Asian women also worked on plantations, though in far lower numbers than men, and performed tasks such as laundry, cooking, sewing, and field work. Even if employed doing the same tasks as men, these women were paid less. Workers lived in fear of the Lunas, who patrolled the plantations on horseback with a whip. Planters fined workers for breaches of conduct such as refusing to work, gambling, or trespass.

The hierarchy of the plantations was racialized, with Asian or Indigenous workers always doing the field work, while the supervisors and skilled workers were almost always white. In 1900, Hawaiian labor laws changed as Hawaii became a US territory, ending the contract-labor system. However, planters still collaborated through the Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Association to keep workers’ wages low.

Exploited workers resisted through strikes, protests, and work stoppages, and occasionally through physical violence against Lunas. Many workers indulged in opium, alcohol, and gambling to cope with plantation life. Throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, striking became more common as workers protested low wages and racialized pay structures. These acts of resistance put workers in conflict with planters and police, who brutalized them at protests. Workers tended to organize themselves into unions based on ethnicity. Planters exploited the weaknesses of this method by hiring “scabs” from other ethnic groups to replace striking union members. In 1920, Japanese and Filipino unions struck, and planters hired Korean and Portuguese workers instead. This massive strike renewed debate about the effectiveness of striking and prompted some Asian Hawaiians to argue that they needed to collaborate across ethnic lines and establish working class solidarity. Strikes prompted some reforms to plantation life, though most were superficial. Planters began offering movie nights, sports and musical activities, and church services to placate workers without addressing their core concerns.

Thousands of workers fled plantations before the end of their contracts, though some were caught, arrested, and brought back to the plantation. After the end of their contracts, many workers chose to leave their plantation jobs and find better work or open their own businesses. Some ex-plantation workers sought a better life in Honolulu, where they established a Chinatown, and others chose to continue on to the mainland US. However, their options were limited: In the early 1900s, President Theodore Roosevelt banned Japanese people from immigrating to the mainland, effectively trapping thousands in Hawaii.

Plantation workers tended to continue their own customs and traditions, for instance, Chinese workers would celebrate Lunar New Year, and Japanese workers observed the festival of souls. They also continued cooking their own foods, often buying or exchanging different types of meals. Over time, the variety of ethnic groups cooperating on plantations, in combination with the isolated nature of these farms, birthed a new dialect: pidgin English. This language contained elements of all the Asian languages represented on plantations, with a good deal of English mixed in. By learning pidgin English, supervisors could communicate with all of the workers at once.

This shared language, which many workers called “Hawaiian English,” helped workers establish a more shared identity as locals. Moreover, as more of them began to establish families and settle in Hawaii, more Asians saw themselves as locals or Hawaiians rather than temporary workers. Asian American children were born in Hawaii, making it their home. Asian families lobbied the government and planters for better educational opportunities, as the younger generation did not want to be trapped in the racist and exploitative plantation system. They saw themselves as Americans and had ambitions beyond menial labor.

While Asians in Hawaii faced many forms of oppression and obstacles to civil rights, they had some advantages compared to Asians on the mainland. Asians constituted a racial majority on the islands and thus were not in conflict with white working class people for jobs. Because of the presence of indigenous Hawaiians, some of whom were “elites,” the racial divisions were less rigid than in the mainland US. These conditions allowed Asians in Hawaii to become part of the “very fabric of Hawaii” and make the islands a place of “rich diversity’ (176).

Part 2 Analysis

In these passages Takaki highlights the significant contributions Asian Americans have made to the US even as they were treated as perpetual “strangers.” Takaki reveals how Asian immigration shaped the country, beginning with the land and infrastructure itself. For instance, he emphasizes Asian workers’ role in establishing the fruit production that has remained a defining part of the landscapes and economies of states such as California, Oregon, and Florida. The erasure of their contributions illustrates the unequal conditions of Labor and Exploitation, in which largely white plantation owners are credited with shaping American history and industry while those who do the work—and provide much of the expertise that makes that work possible—are ignored. Many of the Chinese workers who came to California in the late 19th century were from farming families in the Pearl Delta of GuangDong, and they shared their knowledge with the white American landowners who employed them. According to historian Carey Williams, these Chinese farmers were a “vital factor” in California's transition from wheat to fruit production (88). Takaki explains, “Ah Bing in Oregon bred the famous Bing cherry, and Lue Gim Gong in Florida developed the frost-resistant orange that bore his name and that gave the state its citrus industry” (88).

Developing the theme of Competing Visions of the United States, Takaki’s central argument in this section is that Asian American history is inseparable from American history—that ignoring Asian American history means fundamentally misrepresenting American history. As a key example, he shows how Asian workers were essential to building the Central Pacific railroad, a massive project which connected states for travel and trade. The author explains that “12,000 Chinese were employed by the Central Pacific Railroad, representing 90 percent of the entire workforce” (84). Because of this Takaki calls the railroad “a Chinese achievement,” writing that “[n]ot only did they perform the physical labor required to clear trees and lay tracks; they also provided important technical labor by operating power drills and handling explosives for boring tunnels through the Donner Summit” (84). Recognizing that histories of the US routinely erase the contributions of those who provide physical labor, Takaki points out that the Chinese workers also brought much of the technical knowledge that made the railroads possible.

In addition to these tangible developments, Asian Americans also shaped American culture by bringing their own customs and language to their new home. Takaki reflects on the cultural mosaic of Asian ethnicities on plantations in Hawaii. Collaboration between these diverse groups brought new foods, clothing, gardening methods, religious beliefs, and languages to the newest American state, resulting in rich cultural fusion that leant itself to a shared Hawaiian identity. Takaki explains, “As pidgin English became the common language in the camps, it enabled people from different countries to communicate with one another and helped them create a new identity associated with Hawaii” (168). The prevalence of Asian immigrants in Hawaii meant that they could “weave themselves into the very fabric of Hawaii” and in doing so create the beginning of modern Hawaiian culture (176).

This section of the book also explores The Law as a Discriminatory Weapon, detailing how the law was used selectively to oppress Asian Americans, and demonstrating how they confronted that discrimination. Takaki explains how labor laws, extra taxation, immigration restrictions, and other forms of legal oppression coincided with general harassment and violence. While the 19th-century United States was a difficult place for many to work and live, Takaki helps the reader understand how the government and employers singled out Asian immigrants as more readily exploitable than white Americans. For example, white American employers across a variety of industries paid Asian laborers a much lower rate than white Americans, allowing company owners to reap larger profits. Takaki explains that Asians were “paid less than their white counterparts in an ethnically based differential-wage system: the work was equal but the wages were not” (87). This racist wage system disadvantaged white workers as well, contributing to a system of Labor and Exploitation that benefited only employers: The presence of a lower-paid class of workers undermined white workers’ bargaining power with employers, exacerbating racial tensions and damaging working-class solidarity. Takaki points out that employers intentionally stoked racial divisions in order to drive down wages for all workers.

Takaki shows how social commentators and others in the media fueled this anti-Asian bias by scapegoating Asian workers for the lack of fairness in the labor system, and perpetuating negative stereotypes of Asians. For instance, author Bret Harte’s 1870 poem “The Heathen Chinee” includes a Chinese character who slyly cheats and beats a white man at a card game. In Progress and Poverty (1879), social theorist and economist Henry George complained of Chinese competition hampering workers’ wages and leaving white Americans unemployed. His was one of many analyses that scapegoated Chinese workers for the unemployment crisis. Other publications depicted Asians as ugly, lustful, predatory, or scheming, encouraging white American readers to consider Asians both intellectually and physically inferior, but also, ironically, as a competitive threat to their wellbeing and livelihood. These beliefs normalized hatred of Asian people, who lived in fear of harassment and violence: “We were simply terrified; we kept indoors after dark for fear of being shot in the back. Children spit upon us as we passed by and called us rats” (115).

Takaki highlights early efforts among Asian workers to organize and resist oppression and exploitation. When railroad workers struck to agitate for better pay, only to be starved out in their work camps by their employer, this seemingly unsuccessful labor action inaugurated a long tradition of Asian American activism. Takaki places this story in a continuum that also includes the numerous instances of Asian laborers on Hawaiian plantations forming unions and striking in an effort to improve pay and working conditions. Because of employers’ power and willingness to resort to violence against their employees, these forms of resistance were rarely successful in the short term, but they helped to foster reforms in the long term.

As advocates from the Asian American community defended themselves from negative characterization, they began the still-ongoing process by which Asian Americans would come to tell their own stories and define their own identities in opposition to the racist narratives imposed on them by white Americans. For instance, Chinese immigrant Norman Asing wrote a letter in the Daily Alta California chastising a public official for his racist rhetoric, writing:

[The Chinese] are possessed of a language and literature, and that men skilled in science and the arts are numerous among us; that the productions of our manufactories, our sail, and workshops form no small part of the commerce of the world…We are not the degraded race you would make us (112).

Chinese merchants in the US formed the “Chinese Six Companies,” a coalition that advocated for civil rights for Chinese people through lawsuits. These court cases gained Chinese immigrants the right to settle permanently in the US, though they were still ineligible for citizenship. By describing Asians’ resistance to exploitation and racism, Takaki shows how they fought against victimization and in doing so helped to modernize American labor laws, immigration policies, and the culture itself.

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