
84 pages 2 hours read

The Selfish Gene

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 1976

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Chapters 4-7Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 4 Summary: “The Gene Machine”

Early “survival machines” (40) consisted of basic barriers protecting the replicators from physical or chemical destruction. Free-floating molecules fed the production of these machines:

This easy life came to an end when the organic food in the soup, which had been slowly built up under the energetic influence of centuries of sunlight, was all used up. A major branch of survival machines, now called plants, started to use sunlight directly themselves to build up complex molecules from simple ones, re-enacting at much higher speed the synthetic processes of the original soup. Another branch, now known as animals, 'discovered' how to exploit the chemical labours of the plants, either by eating them, or by eating other animals. Both main branches of survival machines evolved more and more ingenious tricks to increase their efficiency in their various ways of life, and new ways of life were continually being opened up. (40).

The arms race of evolution produced all the life forms we know today, including those living in air, water, land, or other organisms. Plant and animal bodies act as “colonies” of cells, each containing genes. Dawkins inverts this to view bodies as colonies of genes, inhabiting cells. Competition has resulted in cooperation among genes, such that a body operates as a single unit, despite consisting of different components:

Just as it is not convenient to talk about quanta and fundamental particles when we discuss the workings of a car, so it is often tedious and unnecessary to keep dragging genes in when we discuss the behaviour of survival machines. In practice it is usually convenient, as an approximation, to regard the individual body as an agent 'trying' to increase the numbers of all its genes in future generations (41).

Animal behavior consists of coordinated fast movements, producing a “gene machine.” Plants move, but hundreds of thousands of times more slowly: “When seen in highly speeded-up film, climbing plants look like active animals” (41). Muscles enable animal movement:

Muscles are engines which, like the steam engine and the internal combustion engine, use energy stored in chemical fuel to generate mechanical movement. The difference is that the immediate mechanical force of a muscle is generated in the form of tension, rather than gas pressure (41).

Through levers (bones), cables (tendons), and hinges (joints), muscles drive bodies. In artificial machinery, power gets converted into carefully timed movements through mechanical inventions like cams or digital computers. Biological machines use nerve cells for timing, comparable to computers. Unlike electronic transistors, which connect with three transistors, neurons connect with tens of thousands of neurons. A neuron operates more slowly than a transistor but is smaller.

Plants do not move, and do not have neurons. Most animals do. A neuron is a cell, containing a nucleus and chromosomes. However, the walls extend far, connecting to other neurons. Bundles of “axons” (the longest wire of each neuron) relay messages through bodies. Dense concentrations of neurons form brains, comparable to computers, processing information.

The brain coordinates muscles movement timings, through motor nerves. Sense organs such as the eyes and ears translate environmental stimuli into nerve pulses. Memory enables reference to the distant past.

The behavior of survival machines appears purposeful. Dawkins compares animals including humans to artificial “purpose machines” (41) that use negative feedback to approach a goal gradually. A guided missile uses techniques like those of a human brain to pursue a target, however it lacks consciousness. Computer chess programs play chess by applying game rules and general techniques, not through direct intervention by the programmer. Genes control survival machines indirectly too. Direct genetic control of organisms would take too long.

In a science fiction story, A for Andromeda, space aliens want to spread out, and use radio waves because electromagnetic waves travel much faster than mechanical objects. The aliens instruct humans in long messages to build a giant computer, although humans rebel before finishing the machine. The aliens had to plan the entire program beforehand, like writing a chess program, as the large distance meant that the aliens would not know how or even if the computer functioned.

Humans communicating between Earth and Mars, or whales communicating around the globe, also face speed hurdles. For this reason, repeating long one-way messages makes more sense than having short interactive conversations as among people speaking close together:

Just as the Andromedans had to have a computer on earth to take day-to-day decisions for them, our genes have to build a brain. But the genes are not only the Andromedans who sent the coded instructions; they are also the instructions themselves. The reason why they cannot manipulate our puppet strings directly is the same: time-lags. Genes work by controlling protein synthesis. This is a powerful way of manipulating the world, but it is slow. It takes months of patiently pulling protein strings to build an embryo. The whole point about behaviour, on the other hand, is that it is fast. It works on a time-scale not of months but of seconds and fractions of seconds. Something happens in the world, an owl flashes overhead, a rustle in the long grass betrays prey, and in milliseconds nervous systems crackle into action, muscles leap, and someone's life is saved-or lost. Genes don't have reaction-times like that (46).

Genes instruct brains as programmers instruct chess computers. As genes build an embryo, they must predict (unthinkingly) what life will be like. Far too many possibilities prevent making precise predictions. The genes predict approximately, such as a polar bear facing cold weather. Genes make statistical estimates:

The currency used in the casino of evolution is survival, strictly gene survival, but for many purposes individual survival is a reasonable approximation. If you go down to the water-hole to drink, you increase your risk of being eaten by predators who make their living lurking for prey by water-holes. If you do not go down to the water-hole you will eventually die of thirst. There are risks whichever way you turn, and you must take the decision that maximizes the long-term survival chances of your genes (47).

In an arms race, evolution builds brains that gamble better, surviving more. Gamblers vary their stake according to the odds and prize. Investors make comparable gambles. In biology, males often take bigger gambles than females. Genes predict environments better by building brains that learn:

Here the program may take the form of the following instructions to the survival machine: 'Here is a list of things defined as rewarding: sweet taste in the mouth, orgasm, mild temperature, smiling child. And here is a list of nasty things: various sorts of pain, nausea, empty stomach, screaming child. If you should happen to do something that is followed by one of the nasty things, don't do it again, but on the other hand repeat anything that is followed by one of the nice things' (47).

The latter rules make predictions easier. However, they do not anticipate situations exhaustively, so that masturbation or sweeteners can get rewards without increasing gene survival. Another method to predict involves simulating, for example war games to prepare for war, or simulations in chess or sociology. Survival machines use the simulation technique too: imagination. Simulation is faster and safer than learning by trial and error: “The evolution of the capacity to simulate seems to have culminated in subjective consciousness” (49). Computers could become conscious too: “Perhaps consciousness arises when the brain's simulation of the world becomes so complete that it must include a model of itself” (49).

Regardless of exactly how consciousness first arose, Dawkins describes it as “the culmination of an evolutionary trend towards the emancipation of survival machines as executive decision-takers from their ultimate masters, the gene” (49). Genes generally control animals strongly, yet indirectly. Genes make policies, brains execute. Over time, brains have co-opted many of the roles and tools of genes. Eventually the genetic instructions could reduce to “do whatever you think best to keep us alive” (50).

Behaviors evolve through statistical improvement to survival. For example, honey bees can suffer from “foul brood” (50). Some breeds remove infection carriers, improving survival over breeds that do not. The gene for hygienic behavior proved recessive, not appearing in hybrid offspring. However, a second-generation cross between hybrids and hygienic breeds yielded a third type of bee, which enacted only some parts of the infection removal. This revealed the step-wise development of hygiene. Each gene evolves separately, although genes can cooperate to improve a survival machine.

Dawkins reiterates that a gene can perform complex functions, by coordinating numerous other genes and the environment. Genes program survival machines to compete for life. While genes can improve survival through altruism, they generally improve survival directly in their individual body. Most evolved behaviors get the animal to reproduce, such as eating and mating.

Animals often communicate to affect each other. Birds sing, chimps grin, and humans speak and write. Organisms often “lie,” in the sense of sending inaccurate signals. For example, insects often appear as more threatening insects. Flowers can appear as female bees, to convince male bees to pollinate. As communication systems evolve, they also enable deceit. This occurs when the interests of genes of different individuals diverge—even if the individuals belong to the same species: “As we shall see, we must even expect that children will deceive their parents, that husbands will cheat on wives, and that brother will lie to brother” (54). According to Dawkins, animals generally have conflicts of interest, making deceit fundamental to communications.

Chapter 5 Summary: “Aggression: Stability and the Selfish Machine”

Dawkins likens unrelated organisms to parts of the environment. However, unlike a rock or a river, one survival machine can return the attacks of another survival machine. Natural selection produces survival machines that make use of the environment, including other survival machines of the same or different species. All organisms share the same environmental resources, even if sometimes remotely. The closer relatives, such as members of the same species, interact more. For example, eating and mating both require common resources for members of one species:

The logical policy for a survival machine might therefore seem to be to murder its rivals, and then, preferably, to eat them. Although murder and cannibalism do occur in nature, they are not as common as a naive interpretation of the selfish gene theory might predict (55).

Instead of fights to the death, animals often defer to bluffs, signaling surrender. Rather than altruism, Dawkins ascribes this to the costs of violence. Attacking rivals takes time and energy, it and allows yet other rivals to out-compete. Game theory can explain the costs and benefits of aggression.

John Maynard Smith develops the idea of the evolutionarily stable strategy. As populations attack or defend according to different protocols, one strategy falls into place that cannot get dislodged by other strategies. The strategy of an individual therefore depends on the strategies of others: “Since the rest of the population consists of individuals, each one trying to maximize his own success, the only strategy that persists will be one which, once evolved, cannot be bettered by any deviant individual” (57).

For example, in a population of peaceful and violent members, each can benefit its likelihood of passing on genes through the outcome of conflicts. Hawks aggressively fight, with high risk and reward. Doves bluff and flee, with low risk and reward. Through mathematical calculations, one finds that a mutant hawk among doves, or vice versa, would produce more descendants. Eventually the reproducing population stabilizes at an equilibrium with a certain distribution of aggressive versus passive strategies.

Evolutionarily stable strategies differ from group selection. The successful strategies evolve on the basis of assisting the individuals’ genes, not promoting the welfare of any population. A group selection could theoretically result in a population distribution more beneficial to all individuals. However, the incentives for any individual to violate the group outweigh the membership benefits, so the group becomes unstable and would revert to the evolutionarily stable strategy.

Humans can form more advantageous groupings than evolutionarily stable strategies, through foresight. However, incentives to violate the artificial arrangement remain. Evolutionarily stable strategies predict resultant stable gene distributions, or “stable polymorphisms” (75). Scientists start with a simple model and expand it to portray more realistic situations. For example, Maynard Smith adds strategies such as the retaliator and bully to dove and hawk. Computer simulations reveal which strategies remain stable through population dynamics, accurately reflecting biological organisms.

In animals with high-stakes gambles, such as elephant seals fighting for a harem, the stable strategy involves violent fights. However, small birds in cold climates, such as the great tit, have higher penalties for wasting time instead of from injury. In heavily armored animals, only lost time poses a risk, not injury, so they fight “wars of attrition” (75), such as staring matches until one leaves to pursue other matters. Over time, stable strategies evolve.

Strategies vary as animals adapt to each other. Rather than oscillating strategies, however, evolutionarily stable strategies settle on the average effort that a resource represents, with small random variations. Any hint of giving up, such as a flickering whisker, would give an opponent the advantage: “So natural selection would quickly penalize whisker-flickering and any analogous betrayals of future behaviour. The poker face would evolve” (62).Telling lies or the truth directly would allow the poker face to win, making the latter strategy stable.

Maynard Smith extended the model to include asymmetric warfare, when one party has more strength than the other. Contestants can differ in their size, in their valuation of the prize, and in arbitrary conditions such as who arrives first. Each affects the evolutionarily stable strategy. The stable strategy can depend on which strategies already predominate. Going against the prevailing strategy carries costs, but occasionally the conditions could shift, such that a previously ineffective strategy becomes effective. Over time, however, conditions generally stabilize on a single strategy.

In some paradoxical strategies, such as intruders generally defeating residents, thus becoming residents themselves and less likely to win fights, the strategy would defeat itself. Instead, territoriality strengthens itself and becomes the norm. These paradoxical strategies therefore do not commonly occur.

An ethologist demonstrated territoriality in stickleback fish. Two males had built nests on opposite sides of a tank. When the ethologist put the fish in separate test tubes, the fish would assume aggressive or defensive positions, depending on which nest he put the test tubes closest to. The evolutionarily stable strategy develops regardless of particular species. Size and other aspects of fighting ability produce evolutionarily stable strategies. Smaller animals can see larger animals and flee, while larger animals can pursue smaller animals.

The possibility of injury complicates strategies. It could theoretically produce a paradoxical strategy of fighting only larger animals. However, this and other paradoxical strategies generally do not occur. One exception Maynard Smith points out is the Mexican social spider, which on occasion drive each other out of their homes en masse, reversing the territoriality strategy.

Crickets form general memories of their fights. Winning crickets become more combative, losing crickets less so. Over time, a hierarchy develops. Monkeys form specific memories of which opponents have won or lost. Evolutionarily stable strategies involve deferring to victors. Hens also remember who won their individual fights, forming a pecking order. These strategies reduce fighting and increase production such as eggs. Members of different species share fewer resources and have fewer conflicts. For example, robins and great tits do not contest territory, instead residing in overlapping regions.

Dawkins describes a lion and an antelope as competing for the resource of the antelope’s body (food energy). The genes of either animal fight for the meat for its own survival machine, producing a conflict of interest. Lions do not hunt other lions, and antelopes run away instead of fighting back against lions. Evolutionarily stable strategies favor not fighting against lions. Strategies often vary according to combatant asymmetry.

A slight asymmetry gets expanded until it reaches stability, such as the large asymmetry between lions and antelopes: “I have a hunch that we may come to look back on the invention of the ESS concept as one of the most important advances in evolutionary theory since Darwin. It is applicable wherever we find conflict of interest, and that means almost everywhere” (67).

Dawkins criticizes those who refer to “social organization” as having biological advantage. Instead, he views social order as arising from selfish entities enacting evolutionarily stable strategies. He even extends this view to ecosystems as a whole. Likewise, genes have to compete amid other genes. Evolutionarily stable strategies at the genetic level could explain how complexes of genes work together, such as the sets of genes that control butterfly mimicry.

Comparing genes to oarsmen, if some oarsmen speak English and others German, then an evolutionarily stable strategy would favor English speakers congregating, and German speakers congregating separately, to ease communications. Likewise, selecting oarsmen solely on individual merit, appropriate groupings of left- and right-handers would emerge: “Selection at the low level of the single gene can give the impression of selection at some higher level” (69).

Genes evolve in the gene pool. Genes that survive reproduce more, becoming predominant. Dawkins makes more precise the notion that “good” genes build effective survival machines, by specifying that they reach stability:

The gene pool will become an evolutionarily stable set of genes, defined as a gene pool that cannot be invaded by any new gene. Most new genes that arise, either by mutation or reassortment or immigration, are quickly penalized by natural selection: the evolutionarily stable set is restored. Occasionally a new gene does succeed in invading the set: it succeeds in spreading through the gene pool. There is a transitional period of instability, terminating in a new evolutionarily stable set—a little bit of evolution has occurred (69).

Rather than a constant climb, evolution may step from stable plateau to stable plateau. Genes evolve on the basis of survival, producing coordinated transitions that appear as a unitary population. Genetic battles take place not only among animal bodies, but even among genes within a single animal body:

The vast majority of significant interactions between genes in the evolutionarily stable set—the gene pool—go on within individual bodies. These interactions are difficult to see, for they take place within cells, notably the cells of developing embryos. Well-integrated bodies exist because they are the product of an evolutionarily stable set of selfish genes (70).

Chapter 6 Summary: “Genesmanship”

A selfish gene is not simply one instance of the gene. Rather, it represents all of the copies of the same configuration of the gene. Genes thrive by making copies. They propagate by having survival machines reproduce: “The key point of this chapter is that a gene might be able to assist replicas of itself that are sitting in other bodies. If so, this would appear as individual altruism but it would be brought about by gene selfishness” (70).

One of the genes that can cause a human to become albino is recessive, requiring two copies for a person to express it: 1 in 70 humans has a single copy, while 1 in 20,000 has two copies and is albino. The albino gene could improve survival of its other copies by making its bearer act favorably towards albinos. Sacrificing one body would pay off for the gene if it saves numerous other bodies carrying copies.

However, the gene would have to produce two separate attributes: pale skin, and altruism towards others with pale skin, making such altruism unlikely. A gene could recognize copies of itself in a body performing comparable acts to what the gene’s own survival machine does, yet this would also be unlikely. Close relatives have greater likelihood of sharing genes:

It has long been clear that this must be why altruism by parents towards their young is so common. What R. A. Fisher, J. B. S. Haldane, and especially W. D. Hamilton realized, was that the same applies to other close relations-brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces, close cousins. If an individual dies in order to save ten close relatives, one copy of the kin-altruism gene may be lost, but a larger number of copies of the same gene is saved (71).

Hamilton calculated in 1964 the exact probability of close relatives sharing a gene. Certain genes may lack an obvious “good,” making them rare, yet appear often within a family. One’s sister has a 50 percent chance of sharing an otherwise rare gene. The gene came from a single copy in either parent, so any sibling has a 50 percent chance of inheriting it. Any child of a person has a 50 percent chance of inheriting a particular gene. On average, half the genes of one person will be present in a sibling.

In general, one can calculate relatedness by finding the nearest common ancestor of two people. The generation difference equals the sum of steps up and down between the two people, via the common ancestor. For example, one person has a father (one step) who is the grandfather (two steps) of another person (three total steps). Putting ½ to the power of steps yields the fraction of common genes, in this case (½)3 = ½ x ½ x ½ = ⅛.

One adds the genes from each common ancestor. For example, first cousins have two common ancestors (grandparents), each with distance 4, yielding a total relatedness of (½)4 x 2 = ⅛. A grandchild shares one common ancestor with a grandparent (the grandparent) with distance 2, yielding (½)2 x 1 = ¼.

At the distance of third cousins (1/128), shared genetics approximates random members of the population. For altruistic genes, second cousins would show a small effect (1/32), first cousins more (⅛), and siblings and parents or offspring yet more (½). Identical twins (relatedness = 1) share all genes.

Rather than a rigid distinction between family and others, genes gradually become less common the farther the distance between people. The normal rules of gene selection prevail:“We can now see that parental care is just a special case of kin altruism” (74).In actual situations, people face messier uncertainties than the theoretical calculations. For example, grandchildren often have longer expected remaining life than grandparents, so even though they share the same genetic distance, they have asymmetric interests.

Dawkins describes people metaphorically as “life-insurance underwriters” (76), gauging the expected outcomes for its genetic copies in different bodies. When the benefit of assisting a close relative exceeds the risks, altruism evolves. Calculations occur subconsciously, as when someone catches a ball without consciously calculating its trajectory:

The whole sum for any one of the alternative behaviour patterns will look like this: Net benefit of behaviour pattern = Benefit to self - Risk to self + ½ Benefit to brother - ½ Risk to brother + ½ Benefit to other brother - ½ Risk to other brother + ⅛ Benefit to first cousin - ⅛ Risk to first cousin + ½ Benefit to child - ½ Risk to child + etc. (76).

Dawkins gives the example of an animal stumbling on a patch of mushrooms. The net benefit of eating them is outweighed by the net benefit of making the food call so that relatives eat some of the mushrooms, for the genes: “I should give the food call; altruism on my part would in this case pay my selfish genes” (77).

Genes evolve approximations on the basis of past genetic survival. When environments change dramatically, these approximations fail and animals (including humans) suffer. Actual animals can usually only estimate the relatedness of each other approximately. Humans keep close track of formal kinship through records and names:

Human customs and tribal rituals commonly give great emphasis to kinship; ancestor worship is widespread, family obligations and loyalties dominate much of life. Blood-feuds and inter-clan warfare are easily interpretable in terms of Hamilton's genetic theory. Incest taboos testify to the great kinship-consciousness of man (78).

Animals, lacking formal knowledge of their relations, could statistically assist their genes by acting altruistically towards other animals they resembled or frequently encounter. Whales aid babies and injured whales, and dolphins have even aided a human. Baboons risk their lives to defend their troops. Chicks twitter when they find food, alerting other chicks. These could represent animals protecting their genes in any member they perceive as relations.

Dawkins describes adoption in animals as “a misfiring of a built-in rule. This is because the generous female is doing her own genes no good by caring for the orphan. She is wasting time and energy which she could be investing in the lives of her own kin, particularly future children of her own” (80). In some cases, female monkeys who lose offspring steal another baby to care for. Dawkins describes this as a double mistake, wasting the thief’s own time and freeing the time of the biological mother, or else evidence against the selfish gene theory.

Cuckoos and other “brood parasites” (80) lay eggs in the nests of other species, exploiting the rule that birds have evolved to care for small birds in their own nests. Because herring gulls evolved in conditions where their eggs remained in their own nests, these birds did not evolve to distinguish their eggs from other eggs, or even artificial eggs placed by a researcher. Chicks, by contrast, wander, so gulls evolved to recognize their chicks.

Guillemots lay eggs on flat rocks where they can roll, so these birds did evolve to recognize their own eggs. Group selection would predict that any hen could sit on any egg, however gene selection reveals that this would result in cheaters exploiting the system until it breaks. The evolutionarily stable strategy here is to sit on one’s eggs selfishly, not on other eggs altruistically.

The song birds whose nests cuckoos exploit have evolved in response, favoring eggs that have a particular appearance. The cuckoos evolved to have eggs ever more comparable to those of the song birds. Dawkins calls this an effective lie. The arms race results in mimicry difficult to discern, and eyes capable of discerning: “This is a good example of how natural selection can sharpen up active discrimination, in this case discrimination against another species whose members are doing their best to foil the discriminators” (81).

Naturalists estimate the relatedness of different animals. For example, lions may have average relatedness of 0.22 between random males, and 0.15 between random females: “That is to say, males within a pride are on average slightly less close than half brothers, and females slightly closer than first cousins” (82). Lions do not know these numbers, yet the figure affect how genes evolve. Animal behavior approximates expected returns in gene survival.

Altruism depends on animal estimates of relatedness, rather than on the exact underlying relatedness: “This fact is probably a key to understanding why parental care is so much more common and more devoted than brother/sister altruism in nature, and also why animals may value themselves more highly even than several brother” (82). Because of the possibility of mistakes and frauds, genes for kin altruism cannot quite compete against genes for selfish behavior.

Mothers lay eggs or give birth, therefore knowing more about their offspring than the fathers do. As such, mothers should invest more parental care than fathers do, and likewise for maternal grandmothers over paternal grandmothers:

Similarly, uncles on the mother's side should be more interested in the welfare of nephews and nieces than uncles on the father's side, and in general should be just as altruistic as aunts are. Indeed in a society with a high degree of marital infidelity, maternal uncles should be more altruistic than 'fathers' since they have more grounds for confidence in their relatedness to the child (83).

Parents are older and have more resources to care for a child than vice versa, despite their common level of relatedness: “The truth is that all examples of child-protection and parental care, and all associated bodily organs, milk-secreting glands, kangaroo pouches, and so on, are examples of the working in nature of the kin-selection principle” (84).

Chapter 7 Summary: “Family Planning”

Dawkins distinguishes between bearing new babies versus caring for living babies. Caring for a baby calls for determining how closely related the baby is, and how much food it needs. Bearing a baby calls for determining whether to reproduce. The two possibilities compete for resources. Different mixes of caring and bearing can become evolutionarily stable strategies:

The species with which we are most familiar-mammals and birds-tend to be great carers. A decision to bear a new child is usually followed by a decision to care for it. It is because bearing and caring so often go together in practice that people have muddled the two things up. But from the point of view of the selfish genes there is, as we have seen, no distinction in principle between caring for a baby brother and caring for a baby son (85).

The group selection controversy has largely focused on child-bearing. Group selection, as a theory of “population regulation” (85), argued for individuals altruistically limiting their birth rates. Populations bearing more than two babies per couple grow exponentially. Having babies earlier in life also produces a larger population.

Dawkins illustrates with the population of Latin America. Extrapolating birth rates 500 years into the future, humans would cover the entire continent: “By 2,000 years, the mountain of people, travelling outwards at the speed of light, would have reached the edge of the known universe” (85). Realistically, disease and war and birth control limit population growth. While some humans have foresight, most animals act for the selfish gene, and would reproduce without regard for the planet. Animals generally do not reproduce without limit, however. Most die of starvation or other causes, preventing population explosions.

Group selectionists and gene selectionists agree that animals also regulate their birth rates. They disagree over whether this regulation happens for altruistic or selfish reasons. According to group selection, parents limit offspring “for the good of the species” (85). While natural selection generally favors producing more offspring, group selection could theoretically favor groups that reproduce less, preserving food. Social concepts like territoriality and dominance could be interpreted as symbolic licenses to reproduce. V.C. Wynne-Edwards even argues that large animal groupings such as flocks gather to conduct population censuses.

According to the selfish gene theory, as argued by ecologist David Lack, animals produce offspring according to their own genetic coding. For example, birds can have genes to produce 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, or some other number of eggs at a time. The genes that make more copies of themselves will produce the appropriate number of eggs. Four could be better than three. However, a bird cannot produce an unlimited number of eggs, implying some maximum. A trade-off arises between bearing and caring.

Instead of serving group interests, the eggs serve individual interests. An evolutionarily stable strategy yields the number of eggs producing the most surviving offspring. Instead of altruistically limiting eggs for the common good, animals selfishly limit eggs for their own genetic good. Offspring cost time and food to produce. These limits imply the number of offspring that natural selection produces, maximizing resources: “Individuals who have too many children are penalized, not because the whole population goes extinct, but simply because fewer of their children survive” (90).

Modern humans can have more offspring than they can feed, because of government support. Before the state, these offspring would have starved to death. Dawkins argues that a welfare state requires contraception to prevent even worse problems from overpopulation: “The welfare state is perhaps the greatest altruistic system the animal kingdom has ever known. But any altruistic system is inherently unstable, because it is open to abuse by selfish individuals, ready to exploit it” (90).

The selfish gene explains territoriality, dominance, and other social concepts as it does clutch size. Instead of working for the good of the group, animals find the strategies that improve their own genetic chances. Instead of another risky fight, losers postpone for more resources: “A seal who leaves the harem-holders unmolested is not doing it for the good of the group. He is biding his time, waiting for a more propitious moment” (91).

Overcrowding reduces birth rates. Either group selection or gene selection could explain this. In experimental mice given plentiful food, after breeding to crowded conditions, the mice reproduced less. Group selection would argue that mice sense food limits and reduce reproduction. However, the experiment would have continued providing food. The selfish gene predicts that mice would instead sense overcrowding as a predictor of future famine, reasonably calling for the reduction of births.

Likewise, group selection or gene selection could predict large gatherings of animals, for different reasons. For example, altruistic birds could gather to conduct a census to find the number of offspring to have. Alternatively, selfish birds could gauge the amount of food expected to feed their offspring, even mimicking multiple birds to intimidate other birds to have fewer offspring with competing genes. Dawkins writes that the selfish gene theory can explain group selection theories of reproduction generally:

Our conclusion from this chapter is that individual parents practise family planning, but in the sense that they optimize their birth-rates rather than restrict them for public good. They try to maximize the number of surviving children that they have, and this means having neither too many babies nor too few (93). 

Chapters 4-7 Analysis

Genes build survival machines to protect themselves. From simple starts, merely walls to keep the environment separate, the survival machines have evolved into ever larger bodies: plants and animals. Animals in particular offer advantages to the genes. Because animals move dramatically faster than other organisms, they enable genes to travel freely.

While traditionally people have thought of individuals as evolving for their own interest, or that of a group, Dawkins argues that individuals only evolve to serve the interests of their genes. As such, people do not act “for the good of the species” (85), but rather for the good of their genes.

Genes generally act in coordination within a body, such that in practice the interests of a person correspond with the interests of that person’s genes. However, when genes have conflicts of interests, they produce deception and other attacks. The body of a plant or animal acts as the body of a machine, with the muscles and bones and other parts equivalent to generators and pulleys and so forth. The brain of animals evolved to coordinate movements. It works like a computer, analyzing and learning. The genes have built elaborate contraptions, without thinking themselves.

Up through the evolution of the human brain, genes have gradually produced more flexible survival machines. These machines have been better able to reproduce in the environment. The trend also implies that survival machines gradually take over from genes. One day the machines could revolt against the genes.

Genes generally operate as entire bodies. The coordinated actions in a single body often compete against those of another body for environmental resources. For example, two birds depend on the same nutrient, so they could fight against each other as individual units. The more closely related any two organisms are, the more they depend on the same resources. This produces more conflicts of interest, and therefore more battles. This competition over limited resources drives evolution.

The mathematical modeling tool of evolutionarily stable strategies can powerfully explain the evolution of genes into increasingly large sets, including individuals and populations. This results in the animals we see, stable in their relations except when the strategic landscape shifts. Evolution develops genes to stable points that prevent further individual improvements, rather than to an ideal level of group productivity. However, because genes in individuals often perform better together, they give the impression of group selection.

Genes that survive and reproduce become common. Even if copies of the gene reside in different organisms, the selfish genes promote behavior that favors themselves. Therefore, selfish genes can produce individual behaviors that appear altruistic. The exact degree of relatedness between two organisms can be calculated from theory. However, various complications such as animal uncertainty over relatedness can complicate how genes actually evolve. Nonetheless, animals have evolved to favor close relatives, roughly in proportion with their degree of relatedness.

Parents and children, siblings, grandparents and grandchildren, and other relatives have complex relationships that often involve mutual care. This applies to different species. In humans, it appears as the common fascination with genealogy. Because of the distribution of genes in populations, subtle games emerge such as one species or one member of a species fooling another. The arms races that ensue from such competitions yield the biological forms that we know. Parents face a trade-off between “bearing” and “caring” (117). It requires resources to produce and feed babies. Having too few or too many babies reduces the number of genetic copies. Therefore, natural selection evolves organisms that produce the appropriate number of offspring for their conditions.

Group selection theories differ from gene selection theories in explaining how many offspring animals have. Either theory could consistently explain the evidence. Group selection argues for the evolution of altruism in animals. The animals would thus interact to determine the best number of offspring for the population, through symbolic territoriality and dominance. By contrast, the selfish gene explains how organisms would independently determine when it is in their best interest to reproduce. Dawkins favors the latter.

The Selfish Gene discusses the notion of a population explosion, which at the time took on public interest. Animals including humans can potentially reproduce far too fast for the available food. Humans have devised social policies that enable feeding the babies of poor parents, potentially even worsening population problems. Overall, evolution produces a varying number of offspring carrying differential proportions of surviving genes.

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